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In conjunction with Malaysia’s chairmanship of ASEAN 2025, SME Corp. Malaysia will organise the SME Venture@ASEAN 2025 from 16 to 18 October at the Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre (MITEC). The event aims to enhance the exports of Malaysian SMEs, particularly to the ASEAN region, by bringing together key stakeholders, showcasing business capabilities, offering business matching opportunities, and fostering networking and trade partnerships.


The event will focus on SMEs from high-impact sectors and those that are export-ready. The event, themed “Bringing ASEAN Closer to You,” is expected to attract over 10,000 visitors and more than 300 local and international exhibitors, largely from the ASEAN Member States (AMS), including Multinational Corporations (MNCs), Government-Linked Companies (GLCs), large firms, relevant ministries, and government agencies.


The B2B showcase aims to highlight the capabilities of SMEs in sectors such as electrical and electronics, oil & gas, biotechnology, medical devices, aerospace, tourism, and smart farming, as well as the Halal industries. Meanwhile, the B2C segment, under the ASEAN Market Fair, seeks to provide consumer products, including food & beverages, apparel, cosmetics, handicrafts, health and wellness, including travel deals, in conjunction with Visit Malaysia Year 2026.


List of Activities during the SME Venture@ASEAN 2025

  • Exhibition (B2B)
  • Business Matching Sessions
  • ASEAN Market Fair (B2C)
  • ESG Forum
  • ExportBiz Talk
  • Export Fund Pitching
  • Tech Spot
  • Product Review

Do not miss this amazing opportunity! 

Register your interest and join one of the most remarkable events of the year [click]




Encik Rizal bin Dato' Nainy

Encik Rizal bin Dato' Nainy is currently the Chief Executive Officer for SME Corporation Malaysia, a Government Agency that is mandated to spearhead the development of small and medium enterprises, implement and monitor strategic SME programmes for Ministries and Agencies as well as being the Central point of reference for research and data dissemination on SMEs and entrepreneurs. SME Corp. Malaysia also provides business advisory services for SMEs throughout the country.

Encik Rizal graduated from Imperial College, University of London in Mechanical Engineering with First Class Honours and then obtained the Master Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Charles Sturt University, Australia.

One of his primary responsibilities is to plan, value-add and implement strategic SME development programmes aligning with the 12th Malaysian Plan, National Entrepreneurship Policy 2030 and SME Corp. Business Strategic Plan 2022-2030, which will ultimately increase Malaysia’s GDP, exports and job creation. Collaborating with Ministries, Agencies and strategic partners is one of his key tasks, especially in the area of facilitating and developing SMEs. By reviewing and evaluating value-added initiatives, he will make sure more innovative and high growth SMEs will be formed especially under key programmes such as Business Accelerator Programme (BAP), Bumiputera Enterprise Enhancement Programme (BEEP), Programme for Enhancement of Strategic Industry and High Growth Enterprise (PRESTIGE), SME Go Global, Galakan Eksport Bumiputera (GEB), Inclusive Innovation, 1Innocert and National Mark of Malaysian Brand Certification programmes. Rizal has vast experience in business development, entrepreneurship, business advisory, economics and policy, international cooperation, coordination of SME programmes, 4th Industry Revolution, SME digitalisation and e-Commerce.

Prior to joining SME Corporation Malaysia, Encik Rizal has six years of strategic transformation experience under the Prime Minister’s Department to strategise and drive the National as well as State Government and Economic transformation programmes. He was assigned to several high profile projects such as Electrical & Electronics key economic area (particularly in LED, Semiconductor, Solar and Industrial Electronics), Innovation, Nanotechnology, Electric Vehicles, Rail, Smart Grid as well as carrying out Programmes Management and Business Re-engineering. He helped to catalyse the transformation of Malaysia’s economy especially Electrical & Electronics being the leading export sub-sector by working closely with relevant stakeholders, developing the SMEs and setting precedents for economic efficiencies.

He has also 16 years of varied experience with Shell Company locally and globally, and held various positions in Strategy & Portfolio, Business Development, Sales & Operations, Network Planning, Project Management, Engineering, HSSE and Internal Audit within Shell Malaysia as well as Shell Asia Pacific. His professional expertise includes Oil & Gas Downstream Retail Business.

He has built strong professional networking with Ministries and Agencies, MNCs, GLCs, business associations as well as NGOs in assisting and developing SMEs especially in the areas of Industry Revolution 4.0 and Digitalisation of SMEs in charting and aligning them towards the Megatrends.






The OSH policy has been enacted by SME Corp. Malaysia as a sign of our commitment in ensuring a safe and healthy workplace for employees to carry out their duties as well as for visitors to the premises of SME Corp. Malaysia. Based on the requirements under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (Act 514) and compliance of the Act 514 for the public sector, a governance structure has been established to ensure that aspects of occupational health and safety are constantly monitored and maintained to ensure that SME Corp. Malaysia is able to provide a harmonious, safe and healthy environment.

In supporting this commitment, a general guide for management of OSH at the workplace has been published, as one of the OSH plans under SME Corp. Malaysia in fulfilling its responsibilities and governance as a Statutory Body. Based on a clear policy that covers various aspects of OSH, this plan is expected to assist in ensuring the efficiency and productivity of employees is continuous and simultaneously improving services provided by SME Corp. Malaysia to stakeholders.


Download General Guide for Management of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) SME Corp. Malaysia [PDF]




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Farm Fresh, is the leading home-grown brand for dairy milks in Malaysia. Through its “Farm Fresh IB Entrepreneurs & Home-Dealer Development Project”, Farm Fresh Berhad aims to empower single mothers, housewives, and the urban poor community to become Home Dealers (as direct seller and/or through their network agents in targeted localities). Under this initiative, 30 participants are equipped with training, monitoring, initial stocks as start-up kit.

Throughout this project, Farm Fresh Berhad supervises the sales of the participants who eventually grow to become their UHT and fresh pasteurised milk distributors in their respective communities in order to generate income. The continuous effort in improving the livelihood of the underserved community had led Farm Fresh Berhad as the first Malaysian company to receive the ASEAN Business Awards 2020 (ABA 2020) under the IB Category.


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chanteek borneo
Upon winning the Promising Woman Entrepreneur Award in 2021, Anne Antah, Chanteek Borneo founder began to further her passion in preserving Sabah’s ethnic costume through creation of textile designs bearing indigenous motifs. From textile prints to ready to wear costumes, she has incorporated design motifs that represent various Sabah ethnicities. While Chanteek Borneo recognizes the growing demand for these textile designs, it also acknowledges the challenges in meeting those demand in terms of providing tailoring service.

Hence, Anne decides to engage several homemakers with sewing skills to cater to the demand for ready to wear costumes. This initiative eventually helps the homemakers to earn income and therefore improved their standard of living and livelihood. Upon realization that she could do more to help the community, the “Sabah Ethnic Motif Design IB Project” come into being. This project will set to provide a steady income to 40 homemakers from Manggatal, Tebobon and Tamparuli through tailoring jobs awarded by Chanteek Borneo.
















SME Corporation Malaysia
Level 6, SME 1, Block B 
Platinum Sentral
Jalan Stesen Sentral 2
Kuala Lumpur Sentral
50470 Kuala Lumpur

Info Line: 03-9213 0077
Fax Line: 03-2775 6001
Email: info[at]smecorp[dot]gov[dot]my

Feedback Form




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